Other Stuff

Thursday, September 17, 2015

They're coming. Prepare yourself.

In my last couple of posts, I learned that blogspot might still be in developing stages. Why? Because ITS FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE TO GET THE PHOTOS THE WAY I WANT THEM!!! *huff* *puff*  Hopefully I'll get better at using this system in the meantime. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The new Gunmettle Update!
Most notable changes to the game were the Loch 'n' Load's major nerf.  It now does regular damage with increases damage to buildings.  You can no longer one-shot 125hp classes.
The Jag has been buffed with a faster swing speed making it extremely viable for fast setups.  It also means you hit more spies per second, and buildings erect much faster.  The new downside (they also kept damage penalty) is reduced healing on the buildings.  So it can't handle burst damage as well.